Perfect dance posture: women’s interests

What better time to consider your posture than a few weeks before your prom. It only takes a few weeks, of conscious adjustment, to permanently affect your posture in a positive way. Most women have completely forgotten what it means to have good posture. Even those of us who are slouching and crooked think we’re okay. Slender women tend to think that they are perfectly groomed just because of their size. It is a myth to think that heavier women are naturally hunched; It’s actually an upside-down opinion because heavier women are more self-aware, which can equate to a straighter back, a tucked tummy, and shoulders stacked back.

Even a simple pair of heels can dramatically improve your posture in a positive way, simply forcing the body to stand much taller. A few tips and tricks and you can be upright, beautiful, and poised just in time to put on your prom dress. Most of us sit for most of the day, and sitting generally equates to slouching. Being mindful of your sitting position will help your overall standing posture. Always keep your legs uncrossed and flat on the ground; choose a chair that stacks your hips a little higher than your knees to distribute the weight evenly; relaxed shoulders with light and engaged abs; Even when forced to stare at a keyboard, do your best to level your head as often as possible and keep it aligned with your neck and spine. You should be able to place one hand between the back of the chair and your lower back. If your normal posture has been out of control, when you align correctly while sitting, you will begin to consciously notice your thighs as the legs are now not crossed. For a healthy standing posture, start with your feet planted on the floor a few inches apart. Write down your body weight and where you are; if your weight is on your heels, then you are misaligned. Your standing weight should always rest evenly on your feet so you feel it on your chest and abs. Keep your knees slightly bent to support your weight. Never lock your knees. Pull your navel toward your spine to find stability and always keep your head and neck aligned with your shoulders. If you can wear these perfect postures for a week or two in a row, you’ll be on your way to finding your perfect full-time posture and keeping your spine, legs, and hips healthy over the years.

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