New Year, New Decade, New Staffing Software: Part 1

The start of a new year is an exciting time for people to reflect on the year that is behind them and think about goals for the year ahead. Many people see it as a new beginning! Maybe there are new best practices you want to try, or pick up a new hobby, or break a bad habit. Whatever it is you want to accomplish, now is a great time as we not only start a new year, we start a new decade! So what awaits you now that we enter the “roaring 20’s”?

As you think about the year ahead, what are your goals for your staffing company? Is new staffing software on your to-do list? Perhaps it’s an idea you’ve been toying with for a while, but haven’t had a chance to start the investigation. The idea of ​​implementing completely new software may sound scary, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s actually quite exciting! It can mean new opportunities, more success, growth in your business, and more! The possibilities are endless! If new software crossed your mind, there must be something you’re not happy with in your current solution. So how do you start your search? What questions should you be asking? What should you look for in a solution? All of these questions will be answered to help you on your journey to the new staffing software.

Where do you start?

The first step is to decide if you are going to build an internal team or hire an external consultant. You can hire a consultant if you are unable to complete a thorough search and analysis on your own. If you go down this path, it is very important that you do your research and check the credibility of the consultant. Ask about his experience in the industry and check references. You want to make sure the consultant finds the right solution for you. YOUR and is not loyal to a software.

Whether you hire a consultant or build an internal team, the next step is to discuss what you like about your current solution, what you don’t like, what you’re looking for in a new solution, and ultimately WHY you’re using it. Looking for a solution. new software. Record these questions and answers in a document, as you’ll need to think about them as you evaluate your software options.

You’ll also need to make a list of your “must have” and “nice to have” items. Delve into the needs that will help you solve critical business problems. Once you have your requirements, it will be easier for you to assess which solutions align with your needs.

How to find a staffing software provider?

Once you have established your requirements, the next step is to find software solutions. One of the best ways to find a trusted partner is through local and national staffing associations. Go to the websites of these associations and search for the members. For some associations, you must be a member to see members and industry partners. I highly recommend becoming a member of your local and national associations, whether you’re looking for software or not, as you’ll gain access to valuable staff resources. Another valuable resource is through industry events and conferences. These conferences have showrooms that allow you to walk around and talk with vendors face-to-face.

Of course, there are other ways to find staffing software companies, but the staffing industry itself is the most credible way to find a partner. Staffing software companies that partner with staffing associations keep up with the latest trends, have the same resources that staffing companies receive, and tend to be more involved in the industry.

Once you find software companies that interest you, what are the next steps?

The next step would be to schedule a time to speak with the software company. Typically, in the initial phone call, you’ll provide information about your company and learn a bit about the software product to see if it might be a good fit. It’s also a good time to see if the product has all the “must haves” and ask what companies they normally work with, what industries, company size, etc. This is important to see if the company has experience working with companies similar to yours. If all or most of the points are checked, you can set up a demo.

The demo should be designed specifically for your industry and needs, so you can get a feel for what it would be like to work in the software. If the demo is not designed for you, it may be a red flag. When giving a demo, you want to ensure that all of your essential needs are addressed when using the software. Never settle for software that doesn’t meet your essential needs.

As you demo with different software companies, you’ll see that some solutions have special features that others don’t. Some programs you may automatically love, others you may not. It is strongly recommended that you complete an evaluation checklist after each demo. Does the software have all its “must haves”? Do you have your “nice to have” items? What did you like about the software? What didn’t you like? Did it have any special features that I haven’t seen in another solution? As you start going through demos with different software companies, this review will be really helpful, as all software can eventually get confused. Make it easy for yourself right away, before you have to do unnecessary demos because you forgot what you liked about a piece of software.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of “New Year, New Decade, New Staffing Software.” You’ve got his team to find you new software, you’ve found the software solutions you’re interested in, and you’ve started the demo. Part 2 will discuss questions not to overlook, what to avoid as you narrow down your search, and how to plan for a smooth deployment.

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