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Many of our clients are young people who would consider themselves investors with a fair education. But being educated in the stock market or the bond market is simply not enough to ensure that your current and future investments will provide you with the return you are looking for. Not only must you be constantly aware of what is happening in the markets, but you must also be aware of when in investments you should make during each period of your life. When playing in a risky market like the stock market, individuals investing on their own need to know the basic analysis necessary to be successful. Knowing how to balance your accounts and how to manage them properly is also critical.

When analyzing stocks to buy, there are about a million different factors to consider, and each stock analyst will continue to tell you their personal opinion on which stats are best to consider before making a purchase. The truth of the matter is that at the end of the day, the stock market is just a legal game that is truly unpredictable. Yes, there are ways to possibly see what the future of companies will hold by examining some stocks, but if you don’t spend most of the day learning about the markets, you probably won’t have a clue of what the future will be like. holds for most businesses.

Some key elements to analyze when making a portfolio of stocks are the Beta, the dividends paid and the profits of the company. The beta version gives you an idea of ​​how that particular stock will be affected by a change in the economy and the stock market as a whole. A proper equity portfolio built for success must have stocks with a wide range of betas. This can ensure that your account is protected in the event of another stock market crash. It can also protect you as the stock market progresses at a solid pace. Dividends are definitely something to consider when making a stock purchase. Companies can choose to pay dividends to their shareholders or they can return that money to the operation to try to improve their business.

Many people like dividends when they buy short-term stocks. We all know that stocks are meant to be a long-term investment, but many people still try to profit from them in the short term. Personally, I do not invest in many companies that pay large dividends to their shareholders because I would prefer that they use that money to grow their business and drive their share price as high as possible. Don’t get me wrong, money now is always better than money later, but when trying to optimize a long-term investment, I prefer to be patient and watch the success of the business skyrocket in a few years rather than win five. dollars per share every year right now.

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