Keyword optimization: how much is too much?

The topic of keyword optimization, the ideal amount and how much is too much is a hotly debated topic. However, one thing experts agree on is that website copy should read naturally to your visitors and should not appear overly optimized. We want to attract visitors to our site, but we also want them to stay and generate business.

Some big don’ts when it comes to keyword optimization are the use of hidden text and keyword stuffing. Using hidden text is a black hat and clandestine SEO method and means that there are words and phrases on the page that the human eye cannot see, but search engines can. This is usually done by making the text the same color as the background. Using hidden text is a form of keyword stuffing, which means overusing a word or phrase in the copy or structure.

Keyword stuffing often happens by accident, as well as intentionally. Since no one knows the ideal number of keyword occurrences for a web page, it can be easy to overdo it. Just make sure that when you write or edit your copy it reads and flows naturally, is engaging, and doesn’t sound robotic or forced in any area. Also check that there is no hidden text and that you have used keywords sparingly within the website structure and metadata.

Most search engines, Google in particular, are well aware of and can spot the keyword stuffing issues mentioned above. If they decide your site is guilty of any of these, you can expect a dramatic and sudden drop in rankings, or worse, a complete removal from your index.

If you fear that you may be guilty of keyword stuffing, or have already been penalized for it, don’t worry. Not everything is lost. Start fixing the issues and you’ll be back up and running in no time. Your ranking will probably improve afterwards. One thing to remember, if the keyword doesn’t appear naturally as you type, you probably have the wrong word. Go through your keyword research and find a more suitable one.

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