Industrial Automation – Robot Inspection Checklist

Restoring a used robot is a specialized process in which attention to detail is a must. A checklist is helpful in determining what actions need to be taken. Proper overhaul will ensure that the robot is returned to factory specifications and repeatability. Only after completing these items should the robot be identified as refurbished. Notes of all corrective actions should be kept.

The following items should be part of the robot refurbishment process:

  • A visual inspection of all batteries, bolts, wire harness, large A/C motors and encoders, counterweight, wrist area, pulley rim, controller wire harness, all wires and connections , controller boards, servo amplifier components, fans and programming pendant must be made.
  • The bolts and covers on the robot body should be checked and tightened.
  • A physical test of the shaft should be performed to check for irregularities. Power up and move each axis with the portable console. You should not only check for repeatability, but also run a loop program to make sure it’s complete.
  • Harmonic grease should be replaced on large A/C motors and encoders. The bearing grease in the counterweight must be replaced.
  • The harmonic drive should be checked for irregularities and replacement grease added.
  • O-rings should be checked and replaced if necessary.
  • The batteries must be changed in both the robot and the controller. The cables and connections inside the controller cabinet should be checked and tested. Fans should be tested and filters checked and replaced if necessary.
  • After all surfaces are thoroughly cleaned, machine areas should be taped and loose paint removed. Rough surfaces should be wire brushed and cleaned to prepare them for painting. A spray gun or paint roller should be used to apply paint that matches the original paint. After the first coat dries, a second coat must be applied. Then remove the tape and inspect the quality.
  • The programming keypad and cable should be inspected for cracks and damage. The case must be opened to inspect the internal components. Emergency stop, hold and other function buttons should be checked. The dead man switch should be checked. It must be adapted for a 3 position switch as required. Power up and move the shaft with the portable console.

RobotWorx, an industrial automation integrator, performs a comprehensive 168-point inspection on industrial robots being refurbished and sold. Every refurbished robot sold comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

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