How to take your scrap metal business to the next level

You’ve seen them everywhere… guys in beat-up trucks, covered in mountains of junk. These guys are junk dealers, making a living collecting unwanted and unused items and turning them in for cash. It’s a booming industry these days, and it’s one of the only fields in America where how hard you work is directly related to how much money you make. And best of all: you are your own boss! Those reasons, along with skyrocketing scrap metal prices, are why more people are joining the ranks every day. So if you decide to take the plunge, take my advice on how to take YOUR junk business to the next level.

First of all, you are essentially at the mercy of the general public when you try to accumulate scrap. For a lot of people, the guys who come asking for junk can be a bit standoffish, and the whole thing can be a bit intimidating. Make sure you look somewhat presentable, approach with a smile and welcoming body language. Always offer a firm handshake and provide some form of literature about your company (yourself) and what you are doing. It could be a business card, or even something as simple as a black and white flyer that’s cheap at Kinko’s. You’ll be amazed at how professional and legit this makes you look, and it will instantly lower your potential scrap vendor’s defenses! Remember, building relationships with local business owners and small metal handlers is the best way to establish ongoing customers and generate a CONSTANT source of income.

Second, make sure your team is correct. The best source of higher dollars is higher scrap prices, but having the right tools to handle things in less time and with less stress also puts more dollars in your pocket. Time is always money, regardless of what business you are in. Having plenty of space, whether in an old cargo van or especially a makeshift trailer, will ensure that you NEVER have to pass up a good thing to scrap. Chances are, what you see right now isn’t there and you’ll get it back… so the more you can fit, the more you can collect! Also remember, spending time broken down on the side of the road is less time you’re cashing in on high junk prices, so regular maintenance and keeping your trusty steed running is essential.

Compare too. There are many companies that offer all kinds of different prices for scrap in various grades of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Learn about the patios, all the patios, in your area. Learn about their strengths and what materials they offer lower prices on. Also keep your distances in mind, drive time equals gas money…and spending an extra $10 on gas to get $0.05 of a higher scrap price on 10 LBs of brass just doesn’t make sense…or! cents! Don’t be afraid to keep a little black book filled with addresses, phone numbers, lists of what to bring where and when, and all other notes and information that might be useful.

Meet the days of garbage. A large amount of scrap metal can be picked up along residential roads during garbage days. As we all know, not all neighborhoods have the same garbage day. Make yourself a little map that is color-coded by the day each area takes out its trash. This should result in less money spent on gas and more scrap collected in less time!

Know your metals. The classification makes the prices higher. Knowing how to process things, break down elements and extract higher-value scrap from the rest. All kinds of instructional videos can be found all over the internet to explain how to properly and safely break down all kinds of everyday items. The informed scrapper is the profitable scrapper. This is a job, like any other… and you definitely get exactly what you put in!

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