How to make the most of your days with a “personal success morning routine”

One of my essential business practices is a Personal Success Morning Routine (“PSR”), that’s my foundation for the day. If you don’t have one or never consciously designed one, you need one. If you have one, I’d love to hear about yours in the comments. I’ve found that when I don’t follow some kind of personal success morning routine that includes some or all of the meditation, writing, exercise, or happiness activities, I feel less healthy, less happy, and less productive—both in the way I have fun and in the way I feel. job.

No daily structure can be as bad as too much structure.
After leaving the 9 to 5 world, I had to discover a whole new morning routine for myself. I mean, sure, it’s fun to wake up with nothing for a while… but it gets old. When you don’t have morning or daily structure, it can be just as irritating as having too much structure. And even though he had been a businessman before, it was different because he was the CEO of a company… and therefore had another 9 to 5 job.

So now in my PebbleStormy (yes, that’s a word) world of “working on what I want, when I want, with whom I want, from where I want…” I’ve been experimenting for a long time on how to start my days with the right foot. Trust me, lying in bed or doing nothing in the morning gets old fast, well if I do it more than 1-2 days a week…

Puzzle pieces of a morning routine that help you make the most of each day: It is best to tie 2-5 steps into a regular morning routine and get in the habit of following it every day.
1. Get enough sleep – you need at least 7 hours
2. Drink water as soon as you wake up (and drink 8 to 10 glasses throughout the day)
3. Movejumping jacks, push-ups and/or sit-ups, or just walking around the block
4. Meditate for five minutes (or more)
5. Journal for 5 to 20 minutes, which could include anything from envisioning your dream life or business, brainstorming new business ideas, or just getting what’s on your head through flow writing of conscience
6. Your “3 goals” for the day. If you can only do 3-5 things today, what should they be?
7. Good food: Avoid coffee, cakes and junk! Ideally, you can start your day off right with a green smoothie, but anything like fruit, protein, vegetables, tea, etc. Look for progress, not perfection, in your morning meal.

Take small steps with design and stick to your routine You don’t need a lot of steps in the morning, or a complex routine. Start with something simple, like a green smoothie. Or 1-2 minutes of meditation. Create a plan for a larger Personal Success Routine over time, including good eating, exercise, meditation, happiness awareness/practice, and goal setting.

If you try to do too much too quickly, you’re more likely to get off track at some point and get discouraged. Start with one thing at a time: take small steps and keep them steady. Keep it simple and add a new practice per month. If you stray from the path, come back when you can.

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