How to get rid of candida

You’ve probably seen your doctor numerous times and maybe even seen several different doctors. She may have spent large amounts of money trying to feel better, but nothing has worked. Finally, after countless hours of research or finding the right doctor, she realizes that she has candida. Now what? You can find a lot of literature on candida diet (an essential component but not a treatment in itself) and there are many products available that claim to cure yeast overgrowth. How do I know what to do?

First things first: Candida is a very stubborn little organism to get rid of. You must treat this infection on all possible fronts to give yourself the best chance of success. Keep in mind that a very small amount of yeast left anywhere in your digestive tract can start to grow – within 6 months to a year it can become re-infected! It’s also important to note how long you’ve had the yeast overgrowth. Many people have been dealing with this problem for years and have not realized it. If it is a relatively new situation, it should be easier to treat the condition. The more extensive the infestation, the tougher the battle.

It is best to attack the problem in phases. Your first phase should involve killing parasites and cleaning out the intestinal tract. Parasites are always present with yeast overgrowth. It is not known if parasites are part of the cause or an occurrence due to yeast infection. We know they come hand in hand. Parasites excrete toxins that kill beneficial bacteria and can suppress the immune system, creating an environment conducive to yeast growth. You’ll also want to start killing yeast during your first phase. You’ll want to use products that kill parasites, kill yeast, and flush and cleanse the intestine. Some great products include:

CandiClear5 (kills parasites, kills yeast, absorbs toxins and kill yeast products, absorbs heavy metals, and balances the body’s PH. A note on this product: It’s a wonderful product for clearing yeast, probably the best! It’s pretty awful to drink however Mixing it into a fruit smoothie is a good way to swallow it, avoiding the chalky texture and bad taste).

Colon cleansers (colon boost, colon clean, indigest free, colonix, Re gulux are all good products. However, Indigest free is the only product I know of that actually scrapes the lining of the intestinal wall.

After you’ve worked to kill the parasite and cleanse your gut, you’re ready for phase two. This phase involves attacking the yeast with full force! During phases 1 and 2 it is most important to top the candida diet! Use as many products as you want or can afford during phase two.

Keep using CandiClear5! (Sorry about the taste and texture, but it will work.)

Hemoxide (Your body naturally produces nitric oxide to fight candida. This product will help your body use its own natural defense. Nitric oxide also increases circulation, makes nutrients more available at the cellular level, and flushes out toxins)

Threelac, Candex, and Carnivora are also great products for killing yeast.

Phase three is the point where you begin to regenerate healthy flora in your digestive tract. Putting healthy bacteria in your digestive tract when it’s still full of yeast is counterproductive. Having killed a large number of yeasts and parasites, now is the time to repopulate. You don’t have to be so strict with your candida diet at this time, although you should always avoid a diet high in refined sugars for overall health. Some great repopulating products are:

Biotic Bloom (this product also continues to kill yeast and can be used in phase 2 if desired)

Ultra Blend (probably the best source of healthy bacteria, as it contains the same bacteria found in babies, which are gradually eliminated as we age)

Threelac and Fivelac (excellent repopulators and yeast killers, can also be used in stage 2, but are better for stage 3)

Now that you’ve killed the yeast and parasites and repopulated your digestive tract, it’s time to move on to phase 4. Candida dramatically reduces your cells’ ability to absorb nutrients, leaving your body depleted at the cellular level. Now you need to replenish your body and help your immune system work more effectively. Here are some great products for this stage:

Take a good multivitamin and mineral supplement (Life Essence Multiple, Omica Plus, Bio Sil, Daily Foods Megaflora – these are all great supplements, but you can choose any supplement you like – just replenish your body!)

Your liver and kidneys have been working overtime since you got infected, so it’s important to help them heal (Liver balance plus and kidney rescue are great sources)

Taking supplements to boost the immune system is a good idea (Echinacea, ActivaMune, and ImmunExtra are great products).

Continue to take healthy bacterial supplements

You may want to take CandiClear5 or a product like three lac as a maintenance product.

Phase one should last around 2 months, phase two 4-6 months, phase three and phase four may overlap and will generally take a year. You can be cured of yeast infection, but always be aware of the circumstances that led to the problem in the first place. It’s always important to take care of one’s health – many people find that taking a probiotic for the rest of their lives is a great way to keep yeast at bay! Remember: drink lots of water! Water helps your cells stay fat and healthy while flushing out toxins, flushing out cells, etc. our from your system. There is no substitute for WATER!

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