How often should you use the hair straightener?

With the introduction of professional hair straighteners, it has become very easy and hassle-free for today’s women to style their own hair without relying on beauty salons. This has caused them to use irons frequently to achieve different hairstyles whenever they want. However, regular use of hair straighteners can cause serious damage due to frequent exposure and heat and pressure on the hair. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce the use of shapers. But some women have unmanageable, wavy hair that looks awful without styling it. In such a case, they require combing their hair daily. Here are some guidelines for women who need to style their hair frequently with a flat iron.

When it is not possible to minimize the use of design tools on a regular basis, you should look for another alternative that can help. In such a condition, choose the best quality iron that can be used on the hair frequently but does not pose any danger to the hair. Ceramic straighteners are specially designed for those who need frequent styling with an iron. Healthy hair can withstand most of the heat from a thermal iron. But if you have brittle or fine hair, the chance of heat damage is higher, which means you can’t use straightening wands more often. With a ceramic device, you can style your hair even more than 3-5 times a week without much damage.

The most important thing is to maintain the health of your hair so that it can withstand frequent styling. You should maintain healthy hair by cleaning your hair and using a good conditioner and moisture-rich shampoo regularly. This will help minimize stress on the device and help retain moisture and natural oils during styling. Keep your hair hydrated and clean always. You should prepare it before using an iron. Try nutrient-rich conditioners so you can avoid hair breakage and split ends after styling. It’s also essential to apply heat protection sprays and keep the temperature to a minimum while styling.

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