How do you change your car to run on water?

We always think of an alternative fuel for our vehicles since the price of gasoline, which we are using, is going up a lot. So we think of water to be used as fuel. At the same time we think about the engine of our vehicle. Will it support water as fuel? After much research, researchers have come up with the idea of ​​a hydrogen engine.

The idea of ​​the hydrogen engine is the same as that of a steam engine used in trains today. The steam engine concept came after the coal engine and proved to be more monetarily effective. Other vehicles such as cars, trucks; etc can follow the same theory. This theory states that when water turns into its vapor state, it generates enough energy to run a vehicle. Due to the passage of electric charge, the water molecule (H2O) decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen molecules when the temperature is high.

It is practically difficult to make a hydrogen engine without the help of experts. We must have the complete knowledge of the complicated process of building the engine. However, this is just an overview of hydrogen engine construction. We don’t have to make big changes to the engine used, but we do have to configure it so that it is able to use the energy coming from the water, so that the vehicle works properly.

To make a hydrogen engine we first have to install a container in the engine compartment where a mixture of water and baking soda is stored. Water molecules break apart when electrical charges hit the mixture, forming simple gases. During the combustion process, the gas is absorbed by the engine to be converted into mechanical energy, which helps to run the vehicle.

Another way to build a hydrogen engine is to add a fuel line heater and an additional device that will allow the oxygen sensor to recognize the type of fuel we are trying to use. Once installed correctly, we can make the car run on water without making any other alterations to the vehicle.

There are all kinds of kits available in the market, which come with manuals. These manuals have detailed instructions for building hydrogen engines and the price of these kits will not exceed $200.

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