Handwriting of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832)

Goethe was a German writer and prodigy whose works include poetry, drama, literature, theology, philosophy, humanism, and science. He is considered one of the greatest figures in Western literature. His most famous work is the two-part poetic drama, FAUST. Like the famous character in this poem, Goethe was interested in alchemy. He also made important discoveries in connection with plant and animal life, and developed an unorthodox, non-Newtonian theory of the character of light and color. His writing would be considered medium-sized, evidencing his excellent ability to face reality, to be practical both in the things he could do, and to recognize the things he did not excel in, such as painting.

Tea inclination of his writing reflects kindness and generosity, while his straight line of writing indicates a simple, deliberate, disciplined and orderly person.

There are consistency in his style, with gracefully rounded letters and occasional use of spiky shapes at the top of the letters myn. These are significant signs of calm reason, good judgment, a mild disposition, dignity, and a sharp critical mind.

A broad mind, receptive to new ideas, is shown by the very wide space between words. The broad letter formations show personal generosity, but the narrowing of the left margin indicates that the generosity was not entirely impulsive. He was restrained by a good driving instinct and by reason.

tall thin capitals, or capitals adorned with inflated loops are signs of vivid and creative imagination, as well as pride in reputation and recognition. The Greek form of the capital E (first letter of the fifth line) shows discerning taste with an inclination toward elaboration.

In general, his lyrics and his life story complement each other very well. Both speak emphatically of her high mental and cultural gifts. Both show their practical ability. And if we were to delve deeper into her life, we would find instances of that slight vanity and eccentricity and dislike of fighting that appear in writing. Evidences of versatility, gentleness, kindness, protectiveness, and carefully tended generosity are also to be found in both the career and writing of the most famous of German poets.

NOTE: To see the image of Goethe’s handwriting, click HERE

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