Get potty training knowledge fast

Potty training usually begins at the age of around two or three years, with some as early as 18 months. In general, young girls will start before boys. A young child will not be ready for potty training unless he shows some signs that he is interested in potty training. Some of the signs will be pulling on her clothes, telling her that her diapers are wet or dirty, and crossing her legs or touching her crotch area.

Once your toddler is ready to be potty trained, there are a few tips that can help. In this article, I would like to share with you some ideas and insights for potty training quickly.

Once your child begins to show an interest in potty training, get him a small potty seat, as a small potty seat will make potty training less intimidating. Give your child proper instructions on the use of the potty. You can also use interactive potty training books to make the potty training process fun and interesting.

Use rewards as positive reinforcement tools, like a potty training chart. A potty training chart is a progress chart for a child and works as a type of reward system. You can start by placing stickers on the potty sitting board. After a while, only give stickers when your child uses the potty. Finally, offer a small toy as a reward for three accident-free days or when they complete a chart. These graphics come in different sizes, with many colors and different characters.

An important tip on how to potty train quickly is not to punish or yell at your child if there is an accident. The child will feel pressured and it will be more difficult for him to go to the bathroom when he is supposed to. This will lead to regression and you have to prevent it from becoming a nightmare.

Another good training tip is to familiarize your child with the special potty you bought for him. Simply sitting on it even though there is no bowel movement or urine can help prevent any battles that might occur during potty training, especially when you are potty training his son during his “terrible two years.” So stay cool and make sure your toddler is familiar with his potty before you start. By watching a potty training video or reading a potty training story, your child will have a pretty good idea of ​​what the potty is for.

It is important to know the techniques and knowledge to learn to go to the bathroom quickly and to do it consistently. Otherwise, the whole experience will be torture for both the young child and the parents.

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