Free Burning Crusade Heroic Gold Farming Tips

Notes from a farm troll trying to feed his troll babies:

Grinding to farm gold and auction house materials gets really boring at times. Many times it is the first reason why players stop farming and become bad players in World of Warcraft. To break the boring grind, players can solo through the heroics of Burning Crusade to earn some gold.

If you want to stop grinding and freaking out, take a break and pick a challenging heroic dungeon to play solo. In TBC, dungeons were created for a group of 5 people to share the gold. Now, with Wrath gear and a level cap of 80, players can solo some of Burning Crusade’s dungeons and pocket all the gold.

How much gold do we earn from farming Burning Crusade Heroics?

Running entry heroes like Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire Ramparts, The Blood Furnace, or Shattered halls, a player can earn between 80 and 120 gold per run. If you work well, know your class, and can take announcements well, you can finish a race in 15-20 minutes. This will cost you around 360 gold per hour from loot alone.

Once you sell all the grays or put the cloth, descantables, and gems in the AH, you should be getting 450-600 gold per hour. Make sure to bring some big empty bags! There are plenty of grays and whites to collect.

Good hero classes…

The idea class for running heroics might have good crowd control, lots of armor, and high dps and health. Paladins, Death Knights, and Warriors are great for this as they have lots of health, armor, dps, and some crowd control trips.

Mages, Shamans, and Hunters are also good options with a good player who knows their class. They don’t have as much health and armor, but they make up for that with good crowd control and dps.

The following Burning Crusade Heroic Dungeons are suggested for solo farming:

Any dungeon in Auchindoun [Terrokar Forrest]

Any Hellfire Citadel Dungeon [Hellfire Peninsula]

Other dungeons are possible and give good gold results, however they can be more difficult and take a bit longer. This will decrease our gold earnings per hour. Kills should be avoided at all costs as they lead to more armor repairs and cost time to run. It is also possible to reduce deaths by taking on easier dungeons.

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