Fit in Fitness

Many people say to me, “How can I find time to exercise? I’m so busy!” Think about it: there are 1440 minutes in every day. It should be easy to find 30 minutes for moderate physical activity, right? But many people perceive it as impossible. We live our lives in a confusion of activities: work, housework, errands, family time, community involutions, and, oh yeah … sleep. With all of these things going on, finding 30 minutes to exercise can seem like an insurmountable challenge.

Still, even people with the world’s busiest schedules can find space to exercise. The key is to make it as convenient as possible for your own lifestyle.

Here are some tips:

– Wake up earlier. Try to get up 30 minutes earlier than usual and use the extra time to take a brisk walk or work on a treadmill if you have one or hit a gym. There is some research to suggest that people who exercise in the morning are more likely to continue exercising in the long term.

– De-stress with a walk after work. Exercising before dinner helps prevent overeating, as exercise suppresses your appetite, which helps reduce calorie intake.

– Exercise while running errands. When going to the mall or supermarket, park towards the back of the parking lot and walk the extra distance. If you’re just shopping for a few groceries, consider walking there from home and vice versa. When you’re at the mall, take a walk or two around the mall before you start your shopping.

– If possible, walk or bike to work. If you take the bus to and from work, get off a few blocks early and walk the rest of the way. A group of people in a large Canadian city park their cars in a monthly fee lot five blocks from their office building so that every day they can walk five blocks to and from their cars.

– Consider starting a lunchtime walking or running group with your coworkers. The regular routine and friendly support from co-workers will help you maintain the regular walking program.

– If you travel for work, plan the exercise. Bring your exercise tube or balance ball, or better yet, choose a hotel that has a gym. If you’re waiting at an airport or train station, grab your carry-on luggage and go for a walk instead of just sitting and reading the newspaper.

– Be social. Find ways to exercise that include social activity. Dance clubs, hiking groups, recreational sports teams, and gyms are all options, depending on your tastes and lifestyle.

These are just a few ways to exercise.

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