Direct Line to God – Establishing Divine Contact

Many years ago, before I became a daily meditator, I heard a disagreement on the radio, about God, where one accused the other: ‘do you think you have your own personal direct line to God’? the person questioned. At the time, I too thought that having a direct line to God was a strange statement. Now, after thirty-five years of meditation, I can confidently say that it is not only possible, but easy.

In describing God, it helps if we go beyond naming God as a noun, as some kind of single entity, because God’s name is not God as we understand the term “name”; biblically, name means nature. Therefore, God translates, Divine Nature, whose Nature is Absolute, transcendental and universal, everywhere, both relative and absolute in the totality at the same time. Once we grow beyond the imprisoning mindsets of formal religions and literal interpretations of the Bible, then the reality of the hotline really begins to open up for us: a new dimension of higher consciousness and soul wisdom is revealed than ever before. now it was bluntly conditioned by formal religionists. teachings during those vital early formative years.

Being the Transcendental Divine Love, and being the human emotional love of the material world, therefore, human love is imperfect, it is not Divine Love. The Divine Nature, in its purest experience for humans, is a deep natural compassion and deep joy, or, in yoga, its Bliss. In this context, no matter how sincere human love is towards others, it is still innately contaminated by the influence of the material world, by the compassionate nature that does not occur naturally. Human love, therefore, amounts to an emotionalism that is unpurified and, for the most part, selective in expression. It is selective because it is usually reserved only for people close to us, such as family members and trusted acquaintances; it can also be an artificial love. Beyond the comfort zone of selective love, particularly when it comes to compassion, we are challenged spiritually on all fronts.

When love is conditional, there are often unresolved and unintegrated emotions operating at a subconscious level, emotions that contradict our heart’s natural desire to express authentic Divine Love. Before the spiritual awakening of the soul, each of us is subliminally driven by deep-seated fears and insecurities, by the myriad of ego-invented mindsets that result in all of our actions automatically playing on the screen of life, therefore, conditional love stems from spiritual ignorance. By leaning toward those we feel are more tolerant of these unresolved shortcomings, we cling to their emotional safety rather than freeing ourselves from our own inherited programming, the feeding loop of the subconscious aspect of the mind in general.

Contact Divine Love

Because contact is a conscious choice, when acted upon, it is this choice that activates the real purpose of our life journey here on earth. In order for human love to be perfected in Divine Love, it is necessary to initiate a process of self-purification. In this sense, purification means the expansion of the conscious mind: the ability to experience deeply as opposed to mere superficial experience. When contact with our own eternal Pure Soul is realized, experienced, then this deeper capacity-nature of soul silence is irreversibly infused into the mind/heart nature, then the Nature of Divine Love is established within our own awareness. Divine Bliss or pure compassion is experienced as soul intuition, which is actually our personal “Direct Direct Line to God”. Of course, the optimal word here is CONTACT. It is considered contact only when said contact has been established within consciousness. No amount of intellectualization in contact, verbal or otherwise, produces it. We can say that the water is wet, but, until contact with the water is made, then we only know the texture and fluidity attributes of the water, which is vastly greater than the description of wet water. Similarly, when we say that God is Love, it remains on the intellectual level until it is experienced directly in the heart, in consciousness.

Establishing contact is not difficult, but it does require a committed and disciplined approach. The approach is through various spiritual disciplines such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises known as pranayama, all very simple and practical practices. These practices reorient the nervous system to resist Pure Consciousness, our own soul, an individualized aspect of the Divine Nature, resulting, over time, in the Divine Love Nature becoming unconditionally present in our daily lives.

Before making contact, Pure Consciousness does not exude a quality of Love, as no one could experience it if they had not already made contact. That is, in its non-manifest state, Divine Love is Potential Purity awaiting transfiguration in the human constitution. Therefore, the transfiguration of our spiritual mechanisms, through contact, is how we humans know, experience our highest quest, the Divine Nature. This is the understanding behind the biblical quote: “The Transfiguration on the Mount” — Mount means the highest point of inner consciousness during meditation. For Pure Eternal Potential to become experiential beyond dogmas and belief systems, it is absolutely necessary to embark on a practice of self-purification, of which mind expansion is the by-product. This is when the inner nature of the Mount expands to become an established universal consciousness: the Will of God lives in our hearts.

The divine nature has vibrational qualities that oscillate far beyond the level that human emotional love can comprehend or exhibit. In this sense, contact changes everything, because everything that Love passes through is transformed into Itself, increased in a similar proportion of energy. The glory is that contact recalibrates our entire physiology; spiritualizes matter thus altering and deepening the nervous system’s ability to perceive divinely, cosmically. Once realized, and for such contact to be established, the nature of Love must then be lived out, expressed naturally and effortlessly in our daily lives. So the more we give, the more that passes through us, the more we have to give, the cycle continues indefinitely. If we don’t give away the energy of Love, we don’t express it, then it works against us: we can get angry, moody and even depressed. Because, like electricity, energy cannot be stored, it must flow.

internal configuration

In order to have any experience, there must be a corresponding configuration in the nervous system. Therefore, Divine Love becomes Realized Potential only when our physiology/nervous system is cultivated to resist Purity: to maintain happiness, calm, contentment, or bliss, on an ongoing basis. And while we can gain symbolic peace of mind through literal sound bites about the nature of love, the same format does not apply to the heart: to know Love, the heart must enjoy direct experience. And, when the heart experiences direct Purity, we will feel it as an inclination to express compassion, sincerity and unequivocal effervescence of well-being in all situations.

the false ego

In the search for contact with Love, the ego will always present unpleasant scenarios to eternally delay the expression of our divine heritage. The ego, being the maintainer of the illusory false person, will always try, by any means, to convince us not to pursue our noblest goal. Because it is a psychological device, in a world dominated by the ego, Purity is non-existent. The ego does not have an authentic base, it is not real, therefore it is not constituted to know Love, but to promote its opposite. This then is the beam in the eye that needs to be ripped out, that needs integration. Another example of ego is that when we say “God is love”, this is an intellectual observation of a state beyond the capacity of the intellect to know. A simplistic overview from the perspective of the ego that is unable to experience what it is describing. Because it is transcendental, describing Love through the ego, before spiritual awakening, it lacks spiritual maturity and understanding coming from the soul.

For Love to be, it must flow. In the absence of flow, stagnation occurs, from where we all start our search for Divine contact at the same time. In other words, stagnation equals suffering, which translates into stress, anger, phobias, addictions, depression plus the myriad side effects these can bring on an interpersonal and social level. In the absence of established contact, a tendency can arise in which we become excessively attached to material things, obtaining our happiness through materialism. This can happen when you are driven to accumulate infinite wealth and possessions as a substitute for genuine peace of mind and security in life. When this is the fact, then matter is dominating spirit instead of the other way around – a case of living life’s priorities backwards – the Bible says: “seek first the Kingdom of Heaven [within]”

And finally, while adhering to the beautiful biblical quotes is certainly very positive, it would seem to be spiritually more authentic to live the divine nature, therefore it is our own lived proven experience in the world and in the Universal Mind. The point is that we make sure that we are not intellectually moving away from the direct means of making CONTACT, that we are not sending the ball of consciousness firmly back into the ego court. By setting the mind in total soul silence, like Noah’s Ark (the mind) resting on top of the mountain, the ego is transformed, integrated into spiritual guidance, thus ensuring that our direct line to God is eternally pure. open and fluid.

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