Create products using search engine results

A new business model could be developed through keyword tracking on the Internet. Track the top search keywords to find out what people want, and then develop the product to meet those needs.

A new business strategy may be where you can track keyword/phrase searches that people are doing on search engines. This would give you an idea of ​​what information people are actually looking for. If that product isn’t readily available or has great potential, then you could go ahead and develop it and then commercialize it. This can best be explained by this personal experience I recently had. Once I was working on an assignment related to the most searched words on the internet, and I kept seeing this word “Morpheus” in the list of the top ten most searched words/phrases.

This got me thinking. He didn’t know why people were looking for ‘Morpheus’; the only ‘Morpheus’ he knew was a character from the movie The Matrix, and he couldn’t believe that this was the Morpheus everyone was looking for.

So I did some research to find out the whys and whats of this Morpheus The Real Morpheus is not easily understandable.

By searching on the Google search engine, I found out what Morpheus actually is. It is a file sharing tool similar in concept to Napster now redundant. If Morpheus is installed on your computer, you can access the file sharing network over the Internet; File sharing mainly of MP3 videos and other files as well.

Even though many people are looking for morpheus and information about it, it is still not very easy to find, nor is it easy to understand, install or even use. Any description of Morpheus that was available on the internet was very technical about what it does and not much about how to use or install it.

Some technical descriptions of Morpheus given were: The Morpheus application (client) allows users to search and find almost any type of digital file (audio, video, photos, reference data, reports, documents, etc.) through a peer -to sure. -Peer network like no other. Developers of content, services and applications can use the Morpheus application to distribute their works, products or goods using any third party digital rights management (DRM) application. Users can then distribute those works quickly and efficiently through the MusicCity network, giving them direct access to millions of consumers around the world. Despite the fact that this information does not tell a lot to a layman, this product and information about it were in great demand, since Morpheus was listed in the top 10 most searched words in search engines.

The Opportunity to develop a new Product.

Since the demand for the Morpheus product and its literature on how to install and use it was increasing, it made a lot of business sense to go ahead and make a (product) manual on the use and installation of Morpheus.

Sure enough, searching the internet found that someone had already written an eBook on Morpheus: How to Use and Install It. The book titled ‘How to Install and Use the Morpheus Client’ was available on Amazon, priced at $7.95, as an instant downloadable PDF through Amazon’s honor checkout system, which meant registered Amazon buyers could buy the book. The seller had timed everything right himself: the only mistake he made was listing the book in the Amazon Honor checkout system. If he had listed the book on a normal Amazon site or listed the book on a store built on Amazon. So even ordinary Amazon searches would lead the person to this book in the store.

Here is an interesting new business model?

This way of offering new products to people, after analyzing and tracking the most searched words in search engines, is a completely new strategy.

The business model would work on the following key points:

1. In the various search engines, keep track of the most searched words and phrases – take the top 10. This will give you an idea of ​​what information people are looking for at the moment.

2. When you can find a thing, product, or information that people are looking for, you can start by learning what people want to know about that product.

3. With all the knowledge and information you gathered about the product, you can create an eBook about that information/product. Make the eBook easy to understand with screenshots and other exhibits so even a non-technical person can understand the book. Save the final book as a PDF.

4. Once the book is ready, you can list it for sale in a private Amazon store. Or even at any other credible electronic store or even on Ebay. This will ensure that people find the book when they search for product information.

5. You can make use of instant download to deliver the eBook after the customer has purchased the book. A store would put buying and selling on automatic, and you would not have to keep paper inventories and shipping etc.

6. The first time you set up an e-store, it can take a long time, but once set up, you could even add more products to the store.

I’m pretty impressed with this business model of looking for new products that could be developed after crawling the top search engine phrases or words that people search for.

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