Comparing Apple’s iPhone 6S to the original iPhone 6

After months of anticipation, Apple has recently unveiled its new sibling to the iPhone 6: the inevitable iPhone 6S. Looking nearly identical to its predecessor, we’re here to see what’s changed on the inside and whether it’s worth the expensive upgrade.


As mentioned, there isn’t much of a change at all. The new iPhone 6S is 0.01 inches thicker and half an ounce thicker, but they’re barely noticeable. Both phones measure 5.44 inches tall by 2.64 inches wide, and both feature a 4.7-inch screen with a resolution of 1337 x 720 pixels. Both devices have the usual headphone jacks, Lightning charger port, and the iconic circular home button.

The spectacular new feature: 3D Touch

3D Touch allows the user to press further into options, saving time when clicking and opening up a wide range of processes to access applications and features. For example, apps can be switched by simply pressing down on the sides of the screen.

Much improved cameras

Previous 8-megapixel cameras were fantastic, with more pixels for more light. But Apple has gone all out again, upping the iSight camera to 12 megapixels. For the first time, users can now record 4K video using the improved megapixel count.

The front camera has also had an upgrade, from a tiny 1.2-megapixel to a better 5-megapixel.

newer processor

The previous Apple A8 chip has now been replaced by the A9: Apple’s most advanced chip to date. This is of course expected. What is new is the size of the chip, smaller than usual, which is expected to have a positive impact on the battery life of the device. GPU performance has improved to 90%, which means it’s your fastest iPhone yet.

Enhanced memory

Though still a secret, confirmations point to the new iPhone 6S packing a whopping 2GB of RAM: an ever-important feature of these computer-enabled smartphones, allowing you to run multiple apps at once without compromising speed. This is a big step up from the smaller 1GB of RAM in the iPhone 6.

storage capacities

This feature of the newer model has not changed at all. Consumers will be able to have the usual 16GB, 64GB or 128GB options. Choose wisely based on your photo/video needs and how much music you want through iTunes.


If you’re eager to get your hands on the device with a much better camera and the new 3D Touch feature, then you can justify buying the new iPhone 6S. Be sure to compare the best iPhone 6S deals and choose your allowances wisely.

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