Buy Cheap Wii Games – Wii Dance Games

The most popular wii dance games for Nintendo so far have been Dance Dance Revolution or aka. The most popular party in DDR.

DDR was created by the Tokyo based company Konami Corporation dating back to 1973, they were famous for titles like frogger, scramble and Super Cobra. When Dance dance Revolution Hottest party first came to the US in 2007, it won huge applause, partly due to the fact that they were the only dance games on wii to contain the unique dance pad controller.

What makes DDR so different is that using a traditional dance platform with a Wii Remote requires participants to match the movements of the controller to the remote and Nunchuck accessory, as well as doing the dance steps at the same time. weather. This new innovation makes the whole body work, also giving something to do to the upper part or the arms, which until now have always focused only on the movement of the feet. The game supports up to four players at a time.

If you’ve never heard of or played DDR, then some explanations are in order. It is a rhythm game that has you step on a dance mat to hit arrows that match the corresponding arrows on the screen. All this takes place to the beat of a popular dance theme. If you are new to this lookout because it is not easy, you will find it difficult to avoid tripping over your own feet. While the veterans will jump from one side to the other, seemingly hitting all the arrows with ease. The diamonds correspond to hand movements and the arrows to foot movements. The game offers 3 different gameplay options namely: Free Play, Groove Curcuit, and Training Mode.

Let’s take a closer look at this game and see what some of the pros and cons are. Whichever method you choose to play Hottest Party looks pretty good. The game colors are bright and lively, the environment is clean, and the game characters feel good and well animated. DDR features additional backup dancers which are an unnecessary visible touch, the main character should have been made bigger but the game looks decent nonetheless. The audio sounds for the most part fine with a list of about fifty tracks. They tried to put something on the music list for every taste. The announcer tends to be kind of a nuisance, complimenting you or insulting you at the same time. Something like saying “you’re very good at sucking!” It might get to you after a while, those kinds of comments. DDR comes with a dance pad included, for multiple players each will need to get their own dance pad.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many other options in the Wii dance game niche. There is Dancing with the Stars that has not received good reviews. Which also has dance pad incompatibility issues with the dance pad offered by DDR Hottest Party.

These types of Wii dance games to get off the couch are gaining popularity. I don’t think the game will turn the player into the next Fred Astaire, but it will definitely give you a good workout.

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