Ab Workout, Shmab Workout – Work your whole body to lose belly fat

I’ve said that exercising your abs is not necessary if you want to lose belly fat. I could hear your jaw hitting the desk as you read that. I really didn’t have the space to explain, so I want to do it now. I also want to give you some great tips that will really get rid of belly fat.

Why abdominal exercises do not work

Seriously, go to the web and type ‘ab workout’ into Google. You will find hundreds of millions of websites with different workouts that guarantee you a six pack in three short weeks or your money back. What a bunch of nonsense.

The idea that working your abs gives you a flat stomach is called ‘spot reduction’ in the fitness world. Spot reduction says that if you have oil in a certain spot, work on that area and the oil will disappear.

When you exercise one area of ​​the body, you will build muscle. That is a guarantee. But you won’t do anything with the fat that’s in there. Spot reduction does not work to burn fat.

How does your body burn fat?

Metabolism is the complex biochemical process your body uses to convert food and beverages into energy. It mixes nutrients with oxygen so your body can use them. You use them when you are in motion and also at rest. Your body needs energy to breathe, circulate blood, think, and repair cells.

Instead of focusing on exercise to strengthen your abdominal muscles, what you need to do is watch your diet. There are a few key things you can start doing right now that will make a big difference.

Eliminate junk food

Junk food that is high in sugar and saturated fat is full of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates that your body doesn’t use usually end up in your belly. Many people find that when they give up the chips and soda, the belly shrinks on its own.

It’s hard to cut out junk food when you’re in the habit of eating it, so kick the habit. First of all, don’t keep it in the house. Second, stay away from places like gas stations where you’re likely to buy it. Replace junk food with healthy snacks and have them when you have cravings.

eat good carbs

Not all carbohydrates are bad. In fact, your body needs them to survive. But certain foods have carbohydrates that are good for you, while others just go straight to your gut.

White bread, pasta, cookies, donuts, and brownies—all foods made with refined sugar—tend to head straight for your center. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, on the other hand, provide you with carbohydrates that are released slowly over time. Not only do you avoid fat, you also get more energy.

fill up on fluids

Another thing that will help is to drink more water and eat more soup. Water is good for all of your body’s functions, including your metabolism. Studies have found that people who eat soup have lower body mass. The soup also offers a tasty way to eat vegetables.

Finally, cutting out alcohol will greatly reduce belly fat. Everyone talks about “beer belly,” but all types of alcohol are full of empty calories.

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