A guide to patio and sliding doors

Are you planning to buy sliding doors and don’t know if you should opt for patio doors or sliding doors? If so, we can help you. The basic difference between a patio door and a sliding door is that a patio door rotates while a sliding door slides. Typically, a sliding door features a matching panel and a sliding panel. Matching panel slides into top and bottom rails. On the other hand, a patio door is a pair of doors and features a fixed panel and a hinged panel. Depending on the type you want to buy, it will move out or in. Let’s find out more about it.

Sometimes patio doors are also called French doors. They feature a pair of patio doors hinged on opposite sides. When they open, they show a grand entrance. Typically, sliding doors and patio doors are purchased as a complete system, including the sill, jambs, and other essential weatherstripping. To save energy, they tend to interlock.

Not all patio doors are designed for outdoor use. The purpose of the interior type is to unite one room with another. They separate one room from another when closed and provide access to rooms when open.

Single or multiple glass panes

True French doors feature multiple panes of glass divided by wood studs. The crystals are built separately. In other words, if you order one with 10 wooden doors, they will build it with 10 individual panels and the panels will be inserted independently.

You can opt for this type if you want, but most vendors sell panels with panels that are faux-parted. They feature pressure wood grilles and look very beautiful. However, the cost of making them is less. Also, they are easier to clean compared to true split panels.

Many grid types present a grid of panels in pairs of 6, 8, or 10, for example. The grid is evenly spaced. Other types feature panels that are horizontal panels, and can be 4, 5, or 6 in number. You can also find grill configurations that feature different styles.

The size

As for the width of the doors, you will see that most of them have a width of 60 inches and a height of 60 inches. If you want to order some with different measurements, you may have to be willing to pay a lot more.

Typically, the thickness of these doors is 1 ¾ or 1 3/8 inches. In addition to the conventional 6 feet 8 inches tall, you can also find some that are 6 feet 11 inches tall and up to 8 feet wide.

Also, some doors have windows on the side panels and some have windows on the top.

So, if you are looking for sliding doors that meet your needs, you may want to read this article again to equip yourself with the type you really want. I hope this helps.

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