Car Battery Prices: Factors Affecting Price

Prices for car batteries can vary significantly. Some important factors that affect pricing are brand, cold-start amps, and size. Most will range from $ 40 to $ 200. Keep in mind that the $ 40 ones are probably generic and unreliable brands. Realistically speaking, they are on average in the $ 100 range.

Brand is one of the most important factors affecting costs. Actually, there are quite a few reputable car battery brands. Some include, but are not limited to, DieHard, Duralast, Kirkland, Interstate, and Optima. Each brand has its pros and cons. Some are also more expensive than others. Of these batteries many people prefer to go with Optima. The reason is because they are a proven company with many years of experience behind them and their technology. They also have amazing testimonials from people who buy their battery and claim to have had it in their car for several years longer than many other brands.

Cold cranking amps, also known as CCA, are another factor that will affect how much it is going to cost. CCA is the measure of the ability of your car’s batteries to start at low temperatures. The CCA must meet or exceed the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) requirement. Since it is more expensive with a higher CCA, you don’t need to buy an expensive battery with a high CCA if you live in a warmer climate.

Batteries can range from $ 40 to over $ 200 per battery. Prices vary according to the size of the groups. The three common group sizes are 24 64 and 75. Smaller sizes tend to be cheaper. The brand is another factor that affects prices. Generally, you’ll want to go for a well-known brand to save money in the long run. Cheap generic car battery brands generally won’t last that long. It is generally more profitable to go for well-known brands. Some well-known brands include Duralast, Everstart, DieHard, and Optima. Optima brands are more expensive, but they are known to work in all conditions and sometimes last longer than the car itself.

Generic battery brands will be much cheaper than popular brands. Inexpensive batteries generally do not come with a warranty, and if they do, it is usually for a short period of time. A longer warranty is important because if your battery fails for any reason, you can replace it free of charge. Generic brand batteries are more likely to fail or break down and are known to be unreliable over time. In the long run, it will be more profitable to go for well-known brands of car batteries because not only do you get a longer warranty, but you also get longer battery life.

Some other factors that affect car battery prices are reserve capacity, warranty, and established reputation.

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