6 cheap date ideas

Tired of the same old “dinner and a movie” dates? It’s good from time to time, but it can get old sometimes and it’s also very expensive. I’ve never had a lot of money, so I’ve had to be very creative when it comes to dating over the years. Here are my top six cheap date ideas.

6. A walk in the park. No matter where you live, there’s bound to be somewhere nearby that has a trail or walking path. Set aside a few hours and go for a walk together. Talk to each other about what you want (stay away from stressful topics like work, money, etc.). You can even bring a picnic lunch and blanket, if you’d like.

5. Free concerts. Many communities regularly host free concerts, from classical to rock, folk, and country. Some even have plays and musicals performed by local students or amateur actors. Most of these are free and can be combined with idea #6 for an extended date.

4. Sunday walks. You don’t have to do this on Sunday, of course, but the idea is the same. One day, when the weather is nice, go for a drive down some old country lanes, with no real destination in mind. You listen to music, talk to each other, or ride in silence, taking in the beauty as it passes by.

3. Museums. There are museums for many things besides fine art, and there are probably a few in your hometown. Historical museums (a personal favorite) are very common, especially in small towns and communities. And the best thing is that many of them are free.

2. Go dancing. Whether it’s rock, hip-hop, line dance, square dance, ballroom, salsa, or any other type of dance, dancing is a lot of fun and won’t break your bank. Dancing is fun and gets the blood flowing, releasing endorphins in your brain, making you feel good. It also forces intimacy, which often leads to more fun later on. Don’t you know how to dance? Few people really do. It’s really just moving your body to the beat of the music. But, if you insist, you can take dance classes together, which can also be a lot of fun. Many community organizations offer free dance classes, especially for beginners.

1. A day in bed. Call to say that he is sick. Have your partner call in sick. Don’t get fired from your job or anything. Use vacation time if necessary. Turn off your cell phone, pagers, etc. Rent a movie with some hot love scenes, or even rent an adult movie. Watch the movie and recreate the scenes from the movie. Spending all day in bed with your partner is a lot of fun and really forces the two of you to connect on so many levels.

These are just a few suggestions from someone who rarely dates wacky. Sometimes the cheapest and most creative dates can be the most fun, so get creative and have fun with your partner.

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