Should I finish high school or take the GED test?

You earn a high school diploma after completing four years of high school education, while the GED diploma is earned after taking a 7.5-hour exam. What is the real deal between the two? Both a high school diploma and a GED diploma are credentials that prove you possess the knowledge and skills of a high school graduate. Getting one of the two means you are ready to study at university or work for a job that requires a high school level education. There are unexpected reasons why many students drop out of high school and are unable to receive a high school diploma and therefore take the GED test.

Why do students drop out of high school?

In a study conducted by Statistic Brain in 2015, it was indicated that each year, 3 million students in the US drop out of high school. At Clemson University, the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network cited some of the top reasons students drop out of high school are related to family, school, and employment. In particular, the following are the reasons why a student cannot finish high school:

  1. An illness that caused him to miss too many days of school

  2. Conflicts with other students or their teachers.

  3. Teen pregnancy or early parenthood

  4. Need to work to support your family.

  5. Getting bored with your studies

  6. Financial problems

  7. No parental support

If a student drops out of high school for these and other reasons, their next option is to take the GED test. As a high school equivalency credential, the GED is recognized in all 50 states, the only one of its kind. The GED test includes 4 subjects: Math, Science, Social Studies, and Reasoning through Language Arts. The total duration of this test is 7.5 hours, but you have the option of taking each subject separately on different days. You can take the GED if you are at least 17 years old and not currently enrolled in high school.

Use your GED card for the right reasons

Both the high school diploma and the GED diploma qualify you to be someone who has the skills and knowledge of a high school graduate. However, the real difference is when you apply to college or a job. Potential colleges and employers you apply to will tend to ask you why you took the GED. To win their favor, you need to let your future college or employer know that you have a GED for the right reasons. The key to achieving your educational or career goals is to provide a solid reason why you took the GED instead of finishing high school.

So if, for example, money problems have made you decide to drop out of high school, you can tell potential employers that you dropped out because you plan to go to college anyway. In the same way, you can also tell them that you want to get a better job. As much as possible, you want to give the impression that you are a motivated and responsible person.

If you’re planning to take the GED so you can finish your college education sooner, it’s best to discuss the matter with your school’s guidance counselor. This way you will have a clearer understanding of the pros and cons of your decisions.

If you think taking the GED is the right choice for you, try to pass it successfully. Don’t settle for a mediocre or passing score, especially if you want to study at a well-deserved college or university. Many schools consider GED scores to be above the passing rate. Therefore, it makes sense to adhere to an effective test preparation program that includes GED study guides, joining online classes, and taking practice GED tests to increase your chances of achieving your best score.

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